Eat regularly, choose the least processed products, eat as many vegetables as possible, and fruit in two portions a day, limit your carbohydrate intake – these are the most important dietary recommendations for healthy eating. How to eat healthy?
What to do to eat healthy and economically?
Let’s first think about what WORTH to spend more money on.
For sure they will be:
- so-called eggs ones or zeros,
- organic meat (farm chicken, liver, beef and pork as well as venison, which will always be organic if living wild),
- unrefined vegetable fats e.g. coconut oil, olive oil,
- and optional vegetables and fruits. Why optional? Because even vegetables from the market will have a positive effect on our health. Of course, eco plants contain definitely less chemistry and more nutritional value
Eat meals regularly (4-5 meals a day, with a break of no more than every 3-4 hours).
Such eating helps to reduce the number of snacks and helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. Importantly, it also reduces the risk of obesity or type 2 diabetes. Breakfast should be eaten within max. 2 hours. after getting out of bed, and dinner about 3 hours. bedtime.

Eat vegetables and fruits as often and as much as possible. They should constitute at least half of what you eat. Remember the right proportions: 3/4 – vegetables and 1/4 – fruit.
Vegetables and fruits should form the basis of your diet. So eat a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables each day in at least 5 portions. One serving may be a glass of juice.
Eat cereal products, especially whole grains. Reach for whole grain breads, e.g. wholemeal, graham. Whole-grain brown rice, wholemeal pasta and cereal are also recommended. buckwheat and barley.
Eat at least 2 large glasses of milk every day. If you don’t like milk, you can replace it with yogurt, kefir and – partly – cheese. Milk and milk products are an ideal source of calcium, protein and vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, vitamin A and magnesium. Calcium from dairy products has very good absorption.
Limit meat consumption (especially red and processed meat products to 0.5 kg / week). Eat fish, legumes and eggs.
To reduce the consumption of animal fat (especially saturated fatty acids), choose lean meat, preferably of poultry origin (i.e. turkey, chicken) and in smaller quantities, lean red meat (i.e. beef and pork).
Limit your salt intake. Do not add extra foods and buy products with low salt content. Use herbs instead of salt – they have valuable ingredients and improve the taste.
The problem is not the salt itself, but its quantity. Excessive salt intake (according to sodium content) causes adverse health effects. He leads, among others to the development of hypertension and, consequently, to myocardial infarction and stroke. It can also increase the risk of stomach cancer, osteoporosis and promote the development of obesity.